The tour continues this month, where I return to my alma mater, fly to Austin for the Texas Book Festival, spend an evening in the Big Apple, and conduct a workshop in Princeton (where parts of the book are set!). Note: I was going to wrap in the Wells College reading into my Cornell visit, but that’s been rescheduled for the spring. So the tour will extend into 2016!

Love Love Book Tour, October 2015
(see the itinerary in Google Maps)
Thursday, October 8 5pm
Buffalo Street Books
The Dewitt Mall
215 N Cayuga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Saturday, October 17
Texas Book Festival
Austin, TX
12:45-1:30pm – On Motivation with Jami Attenberg and Sloane Crosley
9:30-10:15pm – Exquisite Corpse presented by Slice Literary & PEN America
Thursday, October 22 7pm
with Lee Herrick, Tracy O’Neill, and Matthew Salesses
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
110-112 West 27 Street, Ste. 600,
New York, NY 10001
Saturday, October 24
Princeton Public Library
10:45am – Finishing Your Novel: A Four-Pronged Attack
1pm – Local Author Day