Catching up:
1) I’ll be on the front page of BookBrowse for one more day. So if you haven’t seen it yet, here’s your chance.
2) A review from Asian American Literature Fans:
I spent most of yesterday reading Sung J. Woo’s Everything Asian. Reading has always been for me, in the end, a source of entertainment and pleasure and such was the case with Woo’s felicitous first novel.
3) A review from LibrarysCat, a LibraryThing Early Reviewer:
While I do not know David Kim, his sister, parents, or friends, I can certainly feel their pangs of growth in this process of acculturation in Sung J. Woo’s debut novel Everything Asian.
4) From Fiction Writers Review:
Highlights for fiction writers included a morning talk by Sung Woo (Everything Asian), entitled “Finishing Your First Novel: A Three-Pronged Attack,” which gave writers thoughtful advice on how to sustain the writing process over the course of many years and many more pages.