The Z That Somehow Became a ts

89It had to happen sooner or later, I suppose.  I knew one day I would find a typo in the book, and that day turned out to be Thursday evening.  After the Boston Public Library reading, a friend was kind enough to throw me a book party at her place, and I decided to read from the chapter “In Young Kim,” starting on page 89.  And as I was reading it out loud, I saw it on the second paragraph:

“The best she could do was peejaa because there was no such sound as ts in Korean, but this was not important.”

I suppose it’s technically true — there is no such sound as “ts” in Korean.  But it’s wrong!  It should’ve been the letter “Z,” and I have proof.  On the galleys (the advance readers copy), this was correctly laid out, as you can see from the graphic (click it to see the scanned page in full — I’ve underlined it).

So the letter Z somehow became a ts.  And all I can say to that is…tsk tsk tsk.  What can you do — the book is now in print, so the best I can hope is that the paperback edition will reflect the correction.

Dear readers, if you find more typos, please let me know.  You’ll have my eternal gratitude.

2 thoughts on “The Z That Somehow Became a ts

    • @lawrence — You know, that’s not a bad explanation, but I was going for the letter Z, and it got changed during the typesetting process. It’s not a big deal, just sort of annoying.

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