It had to happen sooner or later, I suppose. I knew one day I would find a typo in the book, and that day turned out to be Thursday evening. After the Boston Public Library reading, a friend was kind enough to throw me a book party at her place, and I decided to read from the chapter “In Young Kim,” starting on page 89. And as I was reading it out loud, I saw it on the second paragraph:
“The best she could do was peejaa because there was no such sound as ts in Korean, but this was not important.”
I suppose it’s technically true — there is no such sound as “ts” in Korean. But it’s wrong! It should’ve been the letter “Z,” and I have proof. On the galleys (the advance readers copy), this was correctly laid out, as you can see from the graphic (click it to see the scanned page in full — I’ve underlined it).
So the letter Z somehow became a ts. And all I can say to that is…tsk tsk tsk. What can you do — the book is now in print, so the best I can hope is that the paperback edition will reflect the correction.
Dear readers, if you find more typos, please let me know. You’ll have my eternal gratitude.
maybe that’s because “pizza” is pronounced “peetsa”, not “peeza”?
@lawrence — You know, that’s not a bad explanation, but I was going for the letter Z, and it got changed during the typesetting process. It’s not a big deal, just sort of annoying.