Significant Objects and What’s Your Exit?

A quick update:

so1) I’ll be partaking in Significant Objects, a very cool project that’s run by Joshua Glenn and Rob Walker.  From the website:

A talented, creative writer invents a story about an object. Invested with new significance by this fiction, the object should — according to our hypothesis — acquire not merely subjective but objective value. How to test our theory? Via eBay!

So if you feel a hankering for some significant eBay chachkie like this one, go for it.  I’ve been buying and selling stuff on eBay since 1998, so I look forward to having my item listed.  I believe it’ll be up in a week or two.

whatsyourexit2) On May 2010, a nonfiction piece I wrote for KoreAm Magazine will be included in a New Jersey anthology aptly titled What’s Your Exit? From the website:

Punk rock-spirited independent publisher Word Riot Press will release What’s Your Exit?: A Literary Detour through New Jersey in May 2010.

The anthology, edited by Alicia A. Beale and Joe Vallese, will include feature new and previously published work from over 40 writers.  Among the book’s contributors are Joyce Carol Oates , Tom Perrotta, Robert Pinsky, Jason Biggs, J. Robert Lennon, Alicia Ostriker,  Paul Lisicky , Louise de Salvo, Donna Steiner, Joe Weil, Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Lee Klein, Suzanne Paola, James Richardson, Susan Fox Rogers, Gerald Stern, JC Todd, BJ Ward, and Sung J. Woo.

It goes without saying, it’s an honor to be included with so many talented writers.

3 thoughts on “Significant Objects and What’s Your Exit?

    • Hi Carol,

      Hey, it’s never too late to start. Last time I checked, I have something like 200 feedbacks on my account, which I guess means I’ve bought and sold stuff at least 200 hundred times!

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