Onward to Austin!

That’s the view of the Texas Book Festival from my phone — it’s the app [Android] [Apple].  I’m actually in the app, like the other authors who are a part of this amazing event.  Will wonders ever cease.

I’ll be part of a panel called On Motivation on Saturday:

Moving characters from introduction through climax to resolution is a complicated process, especially when the protagonist is resisting transformation. Jami Attenberg, Sloane Crosley, and Sung J. Woo discuss how they imbue their characters with the motivation to transcend poverty, heartbreak, and other obstacles.

If that wasn’t cool enough, in the evening I’ll be playing a neat little game of exquisite corpse at Wonderland with four other writers:

Slice Literary & PEN present a short story stitched together by multiple writers. How the exquisite corpse game works: One person writes the first few paragraphs. We send the final line of those paragraphs to the next writer, who continues the story. Then the writers come together to read their collective tale, without knowing where it began or where it will end. Marisa Marchetto, Sarah McCoy, Keija Parssinen, Neal Pollack, and Sung J. Woo.

It’s an evening filled with massive literary fun.  The whole shebang:

LitCrawl2016 [pdf]

Onward to Austin!

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