The Old Man and the Gamepad, Now on Debugger

Thank you to Debugger on Medium, where “Every gadget has a story. A new publication from Medium about consumer technology.” They picked up my adventures of late-stage gaming! Same story, but just on a bigger platform.

And an update — I’m roughly halfway through Assassin’s Creed III, and the biggest disappointment is the voice acting. I mean I knew I had it good with the Ezio trilogy, but now that I’ve spent a good chunk of time with III’s protagonist Connor, now I know more than ever how important it is to have the right vocal talent attached to these games.

The Old Man and the Gamepad

Well, it’s happened — I’m now a gamer. Thank you, pandemic! Look what you’ve made me do.

But seriously, it’s good news — it’s really just another experience in fiction. Last year I wrote about how I just drove around the world of GTA V. But then I played it — to completion! And now I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time in 15th century Italy, thanks to Assassin’s Creed.

Read: The Old Man and the Gamepad (or listen to me read it, if you wish!)